Console Applications

Description of the console utilities.

KeyHelp Toolbox


The KeyHelp Toolbox provides the server administrator with a utility program that can be used to control a collection of KeyHelp functions from the command line. In addition, features are available that are not provided through the KeyHelp web interface.

This tool is designed for interactive operation. If, on the other hand, you want to control KeyHelp functions in a non-interactive way (e.g. within scripts), you can use the Command Line Utility, for example.


Execution & Operation

To launch the toolbox, first connect to your server. Then call the following command from the command line.


You are now in the main menu of the Toolbox.

To get to the desired feature, type the highlighted number or letter in front of the corresponding menu item and press the Enter key.


Various features are available via the toolbox, which are explained in more detail below.

Rewrite user configuration files

With this function you can trigger a rewrite of all configuration files related to users created in KeyHelp.
In detail, the user-specific configurations of the web server (Apache), the DNS server (Bind) and the PHP Process Manager (PHP-FPM) are rewritten and applied.

Disable maintenance mode

The KeyHelp user interface can be used to put the web interface into a maintenance mode. From now on, only users with predefined IPs are allowed to call KeyHelp. However, if the user's IP changes, there is a risk of being locked out of the user interface.
You can use this function to disable the maintenance mode and therefore regain access to the web interface.

Disable login restrictions for administrator accounts

The KeyHelp interface allows you to restrict access to administrator accounts to specific IPs and IP ranges. However, if the user's IP changes, there is a risk of being locked out of the user interface.
Using this feature, you can remove the login restriction for administrator accounts and therefore allow administrators to access the web interface again.

Disable two factor authentication

If the login for user accounts is protected via two-factor authentication, a login without the second factor for this user account is no longer possible from now on. If the second factor is lost, it will no longer be possible to log in to the user interface.
With the help of this function, two-factor authentication can be deactivated for any user account, therefore allowing access to the web interface again.

Clear template cache

If you are working on a custom theme for KeyHelp, it may be necessary to clear the template cache regularly, otherwise the changes made to the theme files may not be displayed correctly and outdated content may be delivered from cache.

Start maintenance tasks

At regular intervals KeyHelp performs maintenance tasks to ensure the optimal operation of your server. Normally these tasks are triggered automatically by KeyHelp as soon as they are needed.
However, you can also use this function to trigger all available maintenance tasks yourself. 

Show system info

This function presents at a glance the most important information about your server, as well as version numbers of the software installed on it.

Command Line Utility


The KeyHelp command line utility is designed to help administrators and developers access selected KeyHelp features.

This tool is designed for non-interactive operation.

Execution & Operation

To launch the toolbox, first connect to your server. Then call the following command from the command line.

keyhelp [command]

For [command], put the name of the function you want to access.
A call without [command] shows the help page of the command and displays all available functions.


Command: help
keyhelp help [command]

This command displays the help page of the utility.

You can use the optional parameter [command] to display the help page of the desired command.

Command: login
keyhelp login [username]

This command creates a URL that you can use to log into the appropriate user account when called from a web browser.

The parameter [username] determines for which user account the URL should be generated.
If no [username] is specified, the URL is generated for the first main administrator.

The generated login URLs are only valid for a short period of time.

Command: db-login
keyhelp db-login

This command creates a URL that you can use to log in to the currently configured database management software when called from a web browser.

The login generated this way allows access to all databases and has full root privileges. 

The generated login URLs are only valid for a short period of time.


Command: run
keyhelp run [name]

This command executes the maintenance interval with the specified name.

If no [name] is specified, the maintenance interval update is executed.

Command: toolbox
keyhelp toolbox

This command opens the interactive console program KeyHelp Toolbox.

Command: version
keyhelp version

This command displays version information.